Title: Lessons from abroad - what solutions can be adopted in the USA
The United States, despite being one of the most developed economies in the world, faces serious problems of poverty and social inequality. Many developed countries, such as Sweden, Germany, Canada and the United Kingdom, have introduced effective policies and programs that have helped to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of their citizens. In this article, we will look at solutions from abroad that can be adopted in the US to effectively combat poverty and reduce social inequality. We will discuss various areas of public policy, such as health care, education, housing policy, social support and the labor market.
Health care
1. The universal health care system
Many developed countries provide their citizens with access to universal health care, which contributes to improving public health and reducing poverty.
- Foreign models:
- UK: The National Health Service (NHS) provides free access to health care for all citizens. The system is tax-funded and offers a wide range of health services, including medical consultations, hospital treatment, psychiatric care and preventive health care.
- Canada: Canada's health care system is based on a public health insurance model that provides access to health care for all citizens. The system is funded by taxes and offers a wide range of health services, including hospital treatment, medical consultations, immunizations and preventive health care.
- Germany: Germany's health care system is based on a health insurance system that is mandatory for all citizens. The system includes both public and private health insurance, which provides access to a wide range of health services.
Proposals for the USA:
- Expanding Medicare: Expanding the Medicare program, which currently covers people over 65, to the entire population could provide universal access to health care.
- Single-payer system: Introducing a single-payer system, in which the government funds health care through taxes, could provide nationwide access to health care and reduce administrative costs.
2. Prevention and preventive health care
Investing in preventive health care and prevention programs can reduce health care costs and improve public health.
Foreign models:
- Sweden: Sweden invests heavily in preventive health programs such as vaccination campaigns, health education programs and preventive screenings. These programs contribute to reducing the incidence of infectious and chronic diseases.
- Finland: Finland has prevention and education programs that promote healthy lifestyles, physical activity and healthy eating. These programs contribute to reducing the risk of chronic diseases and improving public health.
Proposals for the USA:
- Health Prevention Programs: Investing in preventive health programs, such as vaccination campaigns, screenings and health education, can help improve public health and reduce health care costs.
- Promoting healthy lifestyles: Introducing educational programs and campaigns to promote healthy lifestyles, physical activity and healthy eating can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improve citizens' quality of life.
1. Free higher education
Providing free access to higher education can help increase social mobility and reduce poverty.
Foreign models:
- Germany: In the German higher education system, higher education is free for students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Free access to higher education contributes to greater social mobility and job opportunities.
- Denmark: Denmark offers free higher education for its citizens, as well as scholarships and financial support for students, which contributes to reducing financial barriers to education.
Proposals for the USA:
- Free tuition at public universities: Introducing free tuition at public universities can help increase access to higher education for low-income students and reduce student debt.
- Financial support for students: Expanding financial support programs, such as scholarships and grants, can help students cover the cost of education and increase their chances of graduating.
2. Early Childhood Education
Investing in early childhood education programs can help better prepare children for school and improve their chances for educational success.
Foreign models:
- France: France offers free early childhood education for children between the ages of 3 and 6, which contributes to better preparing children for school and increasing their chances of educational success.
- Sweden: Sweden has a well-developed early childhood education system that includes preschools and early childhood education programs for children between the ages of 1 and
3. These programs are tax-funded and available to all citizens.
Proposals for the USA:
- Free preschool education: Introducing free pre-kindergarten education for children ages 3 to 5 can help better prepare children for school and increase their chances for educational success.
- Financial support for families: Expanding financial support programs for families, such as child care subsidies and parenting support programs, can help cover the costs of early childhood education and increase the availability of these programs.

Housing Policy
1. Building affordable housing
Providing affordable housing is key to fighting poverty and ensuring life stability for individuals and families.
Foreign models:
- Holland: The Netherlands has a well-developed social housing system that includes the construction of affordable housing and support for low-income people. These programs are funded by taxes and available to citizens based on their income.
- Singapore: Singapore has one of the most extensive social housing systems in the world, including the construction of affordable housing and support programs for low-income people. These programs are administered by the Housing and Development Board (HDB) and funded through taxes.
Proposals for the USA:
- Developing social housing: Investing in the construction of affordable housing and expanding the social housing system can help provide affordable housing for low-income people.
- Support for developers: Introducing support programs for developers, such as tax credits and subsidies, can encourage investment in the construction of low-cost housing and increase the availability of affordable housing.
2. Housing Rental Support
Rental housing support programs can help low-income people cover the cost of renting and provide stable housing.
Foreign models:
- Germany: Germany's housing support system includes rental subsidy programs for low-income people to help cover rental costs and provide stable housing.
- France: France offers housing support programs such as housing allowances and financial support for low-income people to help cover the cost of rental housing.
U.S. proposals:
- Housing Vouchers: Expanding housing voucher programs, such as the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program, can help low-income people cover the cost of rental housing and provide stable housing.
- Rental Subsidies: Introducing rental subsidy programs for low-income people can help cover the cost of rental housing and increase the availability of affordable housing.
Social support
1. Children's allowances
Child allowance programs can help reduce child poverty and improve the quality of life for families.
Foreign models:
- Canada: Canada's child benefit program, known as the Canada Child Benefit (CCB), offers financial support to low-income families, helping to reduce child poverty and improve families' quality of life.
- Sweden: Sweden's child benefit system includes generous financial support for families to help cover the costs of raising children and reduce income inequality.
Proposals for the USA:
- Expanding child benefits: Introducing or expanding child allowance programs can help reduce child poverty and improve the quality of life for low-income families.
- Financial Support for Families: Providing financial support for families, such as tax credits and subsidies, can help cover the costs of raising children and increase the availability of family support services.
2. Unemployment benefits
Unemployment benefit programs can help jobless people cover basic needs and provide support in their search for employment.
Foreign models:
- Germany: Germany's unemployment benefit system, known as Arbeitslosengeld II (Hartz IV), offers financial support for people without jobs to help cover basic needs and provide support in finding employment.
- Denmark: Denmark's unemployment benefit system includes generous financial support for those without jobs and job activation programs to help them find employment.
Proposals for the USA:
- Extension of unemployment benefits: Introducing or expanding unemployment benefits programs can help jobless individuals cover basic needs and provide support in finding employment.
- Vocational activation programs: Providing job activation programs, such as vocational training, courses and career counseling, can help the unemployed learn new skills and find employment.
Labor Market
1. Increase in minimum wage
Raising the minimum wage can help increase the financial stability of low-income workers and reduce poverty.
Foreign models:
- UK: The UK has introduced the National Living Wage, which is now £10.42 per hour (2023) for those over 23 years old. The increase in the minimum wage has helped increase earnings for low-income workers and reduce income inequality.
- Australia: Australia has one of the highest minimum wages in the world, currently at 21.38 Australian dollars per hour (2023). A high minimum wage contributes to greater financial stability for low-income workers and reduced poverty.
Proposals for the USA:
- Increase the federal minimum wage: Increasing the federal minimum wage to a level that allows for basic needs can help increase the financial stability of low-income workers and reduce poverty.
- Regional minimum wage adjustment: Setting the minimum wage based on the regional cost of living can ensure more adequate wages for low-income workers in different regions of the country.
2. Support for trade unions
Strengthening trade unions can help better protect workers' rights and reduce income inequality.
Foreign models:
- Germany: The German labor system is based on strong unions and cooperation between employers and workers. Unions play a key role in wage negotiations and protecting workers' rights, which contributes to lower income inequality and better working conditions.
- Sweden: Sweden has very strong trade unions that play a key role in wage negotiations and the protection of workers' rights. Cooperation between unions and employers contributes to lower income inequality and better working conditions.
Proposals for the USA:
- Support for unions: Providing support for unions, such as facilitating the process of unionization and increasing protections for workers' rights, can contribute to better protection of workers' rights and reduced income inequality.
- Collective bargaining: Promoting collective bargaining between employers and workers can contribute to better pay and working conditions for low-income workers.
Conclusions and recommendations
1. Extend the health care system
The introduction of universal health care, based on foreign models such as the NHS in the UK or public health insurance in Canada, can ensure that all citizens have access to health care and contribute to poverty reduction.
2. Investing in education
Providing free access to higher and early childhood education, based on foreign models such as programs in Germany and France, can increase social mobility and reduce poverty.
3. Developing housing policies
Investing in the construction of low-cost housing and rental support, based on foreign models such as social housing systems in the Netherlands and Singapore, can provide affordable housing.
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